First grade is a time of growth and challenge. Your child will be learning new math skills to build on the ones they learnt in kindergarten.

5 Math Skills Kids Need to Master in First Grade

Some of the core skills your child will begin to master are numbers, place value and time. These foundational concepts are essential to math success.

Numbers up to 120

Counting to 120 is one of the most important math skills kids learn in first grade. It helps them understand topics like counting money, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. It also prepares them for later concepts in arithmetic, such as fractions.

When kids are younger, they may find counting numbers a challenge, as their number sense is still developing. It is best to give them plenty of practice with this skill by counting objects around the room or at home.

To help them get familiar with numbers up to 120, use a variety of learning activities and strategies. These include using shapes, comparing objects, and learning about place value.

Students can also count forward and backward from any number up to 120, as well as skip counting by ones, tens, and hundreds. They can also identify and represent multi-digit whole numbers up to 1000 using number names, base ten numerals and expanded form.

They can also compare two-digit numbers to a whole number up to 1 million by using the symbols >, = or . They can also use this knowledge to solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of whole numbers up to 20 using concrete and pictorial models, as well as number sentences.

The next step in teaching first graders to count is to work on extending their understanding of place value. They will learn that a digit represents 1/10 of what it would represent in the place to its left, and they will also be introduced to the concept of columns.

Happy Numbers is an excellent curriculum that introduces this concept with a series of visual exercises, starting with the Hundred Chart. After learning how to represent two-digit numbers as sums of tens and ones, they can apply this knowledge to a game-like task in which Bunny has to make a path to his den.

In Module 3 of Happy Numbers, students develop an extensive range of addition and subtraction operations, working with an extended set of numbers and practicing the standard algorithm of column addition. In addition, they begin to understand the importance of the +, -, and = signs and learn to solve addition equations within 10. They also get support in case they are confused by an equation involving two-digit and three-digit numbers.

Time – Math Grade 1

Time is the ongoing sequence of events that take place in our lives. It comprises of the past, present and future. The basic units of time are minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years.

Students can learn time skills in a fun and interesting manner through engaging activities such as clock reading, human clock, and calculating quarters. This topic can also be reinforced with grade 2 math worksheets that are loaded with examples and step-by-step solutions to help children master time skills quickly.

This unit is aligned to the first two common core standards for this grade level – 1.MD.5. Using an analog clock to tell time to the nearest hour and half hour (from 1st grade) as well as 2.MD.7: Use time-telling strategies to tell and write the corresponding times on analog and digital clocks to the nearest five minutes, using a.m. and p.m.

The first activity that you can use to introduce this skill is to have the students draw a clock face on their hand. They need to make sure that they are showing the short hand for the hour and the long hand for the minute.

Next, have them move the long hand around the circle rapidly so that it gets up to zero and then goes down by 12. This is a difficult concept for many kids to grasp, so this activity can be done several times before the student understands how to show time to the nearest five minutes.

You can also have students imitate the hands on a clock by using their own arms. For example, have them put one arm out to the side and use it to represent where the long hand would be when it is pointing at 3:00. Have them repeat with 6:00 and 9:00.

Once the student has mastered this, you can have them practice telling time on their own. You can have them make their own clock faces, or you can provide them with blank watches and let them write the times on them with a pen.

Symbols – Math For First Grade

Symbols are a crucial part of math and are used to denote a number, a quantity or a mathematical operation. They can be difficult for kids to understand, so it is important that they are taught how to use symbols correctly and how to know which ones mean what.

There are several different types of symbols in math, such as variables, constants, delimiters and operators. In addition, there are also certain symbols that have a wide range of applications within a particular area of mathematics.

Variables are numbers that represent the same value across different units. In math, there are many different ways to use variables, including fractions and decimals.

Constants are numbers that do not change value, and are useful in many mathematical calculations. They are often times the basis for mathematical operations, such as addition and multiplication.

Sets are groups of two or more numbers that have a specific relationship to each other. There are several common math symbols that are used to denote sets in the classroom, such as intersection () and union (U).

Similarly, there are symbols for sets of ordered pairs. There are also a variety of other sets that can be used in the classroom, such as equal sets and non-equal sets.

In the classroom, there are lots of different ways to teach children about these symbols and their meanings. One great way to do this is by using our Maths Signs and Vocabulary Flashcards and Maths Dictionary Booklet.

These flashcards are a great way to introduce kids to the symbols that they will need to know in math grade 1. They are also a great resource for teachers, as these cards can be printed and displayed throughout the classroom.

You can even use these cards at home with your child as a great way to practice and reinforce their learning.

The square symbol is a great symbol to learn in maths. It is a small number 2 written in line with the top of a number. This symbol is great to help children learn about the number 2, and can be found in a lot of maths equations.

Patterns – Go Math Grade 1

Identifying patterns is a crucial math skill that kids need to master. Patterns allow them to understand the relationship between different numbers and their order. They also help them recognize missing numbers and predict what number comes next in a sequence.

Learning about patterns is a great way to introduce children to the basic concept of mathematics, and it’s something they’ll be able to use throughout their school career. Using books, hands-on activities, and worksheets, teachers can introduce children to patterning in Kindergarten and first grade.

Students learn to identify, describe, and extend patterns that include sequences of sounds and shapes or simple numeric patterns. They can also make their own patterns with a variety of manipulatives.

Once they’ve mastered the fundamentals of identifying and describing patterns, students are ready to begin making their own. This is a perfect time to practice with hands-on activities that involve moving around and demonstrating their understanding of the math skill as they work.

Color patterns: Working in pairs, students will create a pattern using two colors on a dry-erase board. They will write their patterns, erase them, and then try a new one with three or four colors. Ask them to talk about the similarities and differences between the two patterns.

Shape patterns: Similarly, students will work in pairs to make patterns using shapes. They can do this with squares, triangles, diamonds, and ovals. They can also experiment with stamping to create a pattern.

Patterns are a wonderful way to engage and excite young learners. They’re not just fun to look at, but they’re also easy to manipulate and apply to a variety of situations.

The concept of patterns and sequences can be overwhelming to younger children, so it’s a good idea to start by introducing them in a less intimidating way. Using drawings and clusters of dots can help them grasp this concept in an easier way, and you can also use dominoes to demonstrate patterns more quickly and easily.

Once your child has a solid understanding of number patterns and sequences, they’re ready to move onto more complex mathematical concepts. Check out our math worksheet bundle for some diagrams and explainers to ensure your students are ready to go!

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