Eureka Math is an open-source mathematics curriculum developed by Great Minds and used by school districts across the country. The curriculum, which began as Engage NY in 2012, is highly rated by several organizations and has been downloaded over 13 million times.
Eureka Math Modules for Common Core Standards for Grade 1 Through Grade 3
The Eureka Math curriculum consists of 6 Modules that span the course of the year and are designed to address the Common Core Standards for Grade 1 (CCSS) through grade 3. Each of these modules is accompanied by a selection of instructional materials and support resources for teachers at no additional cost.
Students learn to add and subtract within 20 using strategies based on place value, number bonds and properties of operations. They also develop an understanding of whole number relationships and place value, including grouping in tens and ones. This work lays the foundation for success in future grades and provides students with the math knowledge needed to tackle complex word problems.
Eureka Math Grade 1
Problem Sets, Exit Tickets and Model Templates: These problem sets and exit tickets provide students with a variety of opportunities to demonstrate their learning and share it with others. They allow students to show their thinking and see their progress each day.
Homework Helpers: Each problem set is accompanied by a Homework Helper, a set of worked examples that illustrate how similar problems are solved. The Homework Helpers help students see how their work compares with that of their peers, and keep them engaged in the work they’re doing.
Practice and Assessment: Edulastic’s digital assessments save time grading student work, while providing real-time feedback to boost learning. These formative items are designed to complement the Eureka Math and Eureka Math 2 curriculum, along with differentiated practice based on each student’s assessment results.
Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 1
Affirm: The Eureka Math digital mid-module and end-of-module assessments provide educators with a comprehensive database of formative items and analytics tools designed to help teachers track student progress and identify areas of need. They are also designed to align with the curriculum’s mathematical models and language, so students can feel connected to what they’re learning.
Succeed Books: These curriculum-consistent tools, developed by Eureka Math(r) teacher-writers and crafted for students in prior grade levels, provide a bridge to the next level of skill development. They can be used by teachers or tutors to fill gaps in students’ foundational knowledge, which helps them to thrive and progress more quickly in their studies.
Sprint Fluency Activities: Designed to build speed and accuracy with already-acquired skills, Sprints use tempo to stimulate a low-stakes adrenaline boost that increases memory and recall. This accelerated learning helps students reach their peak performance and master concepts in less time.
Eureka Math Equip: Adaptive Digital Diagnostic Tool – Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 1
The Eureka Math Equip adaptive digital diagnostic tool identifies each student’s last point of success with a concept and provides content tailored to that student’s particular needs. Through direct instructional videos, supporting lessons and fluency practice, Eureka Math Equip helps students close gaps and start the new school year prepared for success.